Zentrallabor für Proteinanalytik (Protein Analysis Unit)

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The three fundamental missions of the Protein Analysis Unit (ZfP) are to provide a state-of-the-art service in protein identification, characterisation and quantification, to develop and establish key methodology and to do original research in the areas defined by the clients and our personnel.

High performance mass spectrometry is one of the key technologies in today’s protein analytics. It can be either used off-line or coupled to highly resolving, miniaturized protein and peptide separation techniques such as nano-HPLCs.

In order to make sure that such equipment is available for the scientists of collaborative research centers, a proteomics core facility was established at the Adolf-Butenandt Institute that maintains a high level of analytical services and provides the opportunity to perform large-scale proteomic experiments such as a screening of inhibitors of histone modifying enzymes.

The protein analysis unit has not only provided valuable services, but was also crucial in the analysis of proteins and protease substrates, which resulted in many publications in highly ranked journals.